Saturday, March 6, 2010

Prize Drawing #10

Prize Drawing #10: Prizes will be posted every hour on the hour. Winners will be picked by a random number generator and all winners will be posted at 9PM tonight. For a chance to win each prize, all you have to do is answer the question with a comment on each hourly post. (make sure to leave your comment under each picture of the prize, click on the photo for a larger view)

Fun Birthday Trivia: Marilyn Monroe's last major appearance was to sing "Happy Birthday" at John F. Kennedy's 45th birthday party. She wore a dress with 2500 rhinestones and sang in front of 15,000 people at the party.

Prize #10:

Tenth question: If your birthday falls on a workday, do you take the day off or share it with co-workers and wait for the weekend to celebrate?



Cris Cunningham said...

We never miss or postpone birthdays at our house! I'd celebrate with co-workers during the day but would definitely look forward to a cozy family dinner that evening...the weekend is another story!!

Anonymous said...

Of all the years I worked, I never took my birthday off. But, I know many people do to celebrate. Thanks for letting all of us celebrate with you!!

Sue from Oregon said...

With my birthday close to Christmas...I like to try to take the day off to play! I am having a hard time getting my basement cleaned today...wonder why LOL!

Jennifer said...

I'm a stay-at-home-mum, so I hang out at home with my adorable "co-worker". (My 4 year old son.)

We celebrate in the evening with a home-cooked meal or a special restaurant treat.

Erika M. said...

I'm a school teacher and it is difficult to take the day off. I generally celebrate with my co-workers and wait to the weekend!

Таня said...

bithday evening with my honey and wait for the weekend for celebrations with my friends

mcjeeps said...

No special arrangements but most often, my co-workers surprise me with celebrations and goodies.

cas said...

Well, I don't I just celebrate with friends when all my worker bee buddies are available. It doesn't have to be on my's always fun, no matter when!

Bev M said...

We celebrate birthdays on the actual day at our matter what is going on. We may do more stuff on the weekend, but there is always cake and presents on the real day.

Connie said...

I never take my b-day off - we sometimes will celebrate on the weekend though.

PamSpradlin said...

I never took the day is much more fun waiting for everyone else to be off work and help me celebrate.

JPScraps said...

Never took it off when I worked but now...I'm off every day

Birgit said...

I am lucky as my birthday is in August and this means holidays, even now that I am adult as I'm a teacher :-).

Teresa Kline said...

my birthday is in July, I try to get my vacation this week.

enjoy *~*

Pattyjo said...

I would move my Birthday to the weekend to celebrate with family, but would probably get some cards from co-workers on my actual work day.

Ellie said...

Well since I work from home now doesn't matter when my Bday falls! lol.. but when I did work outside my home it was always fun to have bday at work, I would get bday breakfast, lunch and then celebration! Why stay home!! :)

Mimi Hornberger said...

I share it with co-workers and wait for the evening to celebrate. No waiting till the weekend for me! Ha! I LOVE Birthdays!

Cory said...

when the birthday falls on a workday, I take the day off and later in the evening celebrate with family and friends

Melissa said...

I usually celebrate with co-workers, but this year I turn 30 on a thursday, so I may take the day off!

Créaisa said...

I celebrate my birthday with my colleagues at work and with my family in evening.

DeniseB said...

If it's a workday for me, I work without telling anybody it's my birthday. I ignore it when I'm at work. When I get home, my hubby usually takes me out to dinner.
This year, for a change, I am actually taking a week off that happens to include my birthday. Didn't really plan it for that reason, it just happened to fall that way. My birthday is the day before St. Patrick's Day, so it's coming up pretty soon!

Unknown said...

Will share it with co-workers but go out for a dinner with family...

Debbie said...

Thankfully im a SAHM so i always end up spending it at home with my favourite people :D

Delicia said...

like to take it off, go shopping, grab a chocolate shake from Johnny Rockets....take the long way home :)

kksb said...

Wait for weekend!

Luanne said...

Celebrate as often and as long as possible - so I would do both.

Unknown said...

Since I stay at home, I celebrate my birthday alone during the day :(

Betsy said...

Never took my birthday off when I worked. The last group of ladies I worked with made birthdays so special, no one wanted to miss being at work!

Speedtyper said...

I try to take the day off if i can as my sister has the same birthday and we just spend the day together!

Melissa from Naches

Karen said...

I never take the day off, we using wait for the weekend and go out to dinner.

Melanie said...

Work??? What's that???

Kimberly said...

If it falls on a friday, then it's a 3 day weekend for sure! Otherwise we wait until the weekend.

Kathy W said...

Being a teacher with a birthday in July, I usually have it off. In years past when I had another job, I always went to work and kept my birthday a secret.

Patty O'Malley said...

I used to take the day off but have worked it the last few years. We usually have a cake at work and then I get another one at home. We usually go out to eat on the weekend.

jen said...

I'd celebrate with coworkers that day, and family that night or over the weekend!

cornellgj said...

I wait for the weekend to celebrate.

Rebekah said...

It usually happens that I have the day off from work, and celebrate my birthday that night.. no delays..

Anonymous said...

Share it with my co-workers, they always make you have a great day.

SueB said...

We celebrate coworkers' birthdays at work, we celebrate birthdays on the exact day with immediate family, and then again on the weekend with whatever extended family can get together!

Cindee Stacey said...

I'm a SAHM now, but when I was working outside the home, I still worked & my co-workers would celebrate with me & then we usually waited til the weekend to celebrate with family.

Anonymous said...

I never took the day off for my birthday, I enjoyed celebrating with my co-workers.

~Lori Roop said...

I'm a postponer. :D

Janelle said...

I celebrate all day long on my birthday -- at work and at home.

Kim said...

I would go to work and get double celebrations -- home & work!

Karen S. said...

I never take the day off. Our division at work celebrate's birthdays so that is fun part of the day.

Axa said...

celebrate it at work and home!

Unknown said...

I've done both! Just depends on what the plans are, I typically work.

Becky Elliott said...

When I used to work outside my home, I used to take in a treat for co-workers on my birthday, then celebrate on the weekend with family.

BabyBokChoy said...

I wish I can take a day off from work, but it's not important enough for a day off!

Melanie Stanczyk said...

If a work day I'll take donuts to work and celebrate there.

Peggy said...

I am a stay at home mom. I can't take the day off. Blessings.

Jennifer Hansen said...

Usually work it, but then bring treats.

Melissa Sauls said...

Definitely wait till the weekend to celebrate! I need the FULL weekend to celebrate anyway! :)

Tricia said...

Our family usually celebrates "birthday weeks!"

Debbie said...

I take the day off, of course!!

Lisa Summerhays said...

Take a half a day. Then you get the best of both worlds.